Monday, October 28, 2013

The Effects of Social Networking

Social Networking is a relatively new phenomenon. However, the industry is booming. Nearly every person I know now uses at least one of: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest or Myspace. Several people I know use two, three, four or more types of social networks. I, for one, have had/still have a Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Babycenter, and now Blogger. I keep up on my accounts regularly for the most part, even if it's just to lurk around and not actually say anything. But what are the effects that social networking has on us? Particularly our communication skills and our emotional well being.

The two articles I'm reviewing can be found at:

So let's start out with communication. Karan Chopra is the author of the article and he's a CEO of an internet media company. He points out several ways social media has effected our communication skills. First he points out that we're learning a new language. Twitter, for example, has a character limit. Chopra points out that this forces us to condense our thoughts, resulting in "textspeak." Most people have heard of "LOL" which normally symbolizes some sort of joking or laughter when typed. This is an example of textspeak.

Also, with social media we write for a larger audience. When we write in journals, it's possible that no one will read your writing. But when we are posting something on a social networking site anyone can read it. This changes the way we write. Most people wouldn't write their biggest secret on Facebook and a lot of people soften their opinions in order to avoid a heated argument.

Social networking also enables us to over-share, but be more concise. Additionally, public speakers are seeing less eyes when they present. Most people are still listening, but taking notes or updates throughout presentations. I know that I have a hard time putting down my phone when having a conversation with others. I still talk to them and listen, but I absentmindedly play on my phone as well. That also shows how easily distracted we are due to this new technology.

Social networking also has effects on our emotional well being. Thanks to the Internet we have the ability to be constantly in contact with people and connected to them. When we can't get an Internet connection many users suffer "disconnect anxiety," the negative feelings associated with a lack of Internet connection.

There's also the problem with our self esteem thanks to social media. As users, we see people in an unrealistic way. Online, people portray themselves as their perfect version of themselves. We see this "perfection" and it makes us think less of who we really are.

Personally, after considering all of these pros and cons of social networking, I believe it's a good thing. Overall, I really believe the benefits outweigh the hindrances. What do you think?

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