Monday, October 28, 2013

Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 Tools I can use in my classroom:  


Drawing for Children

Drawing for Children is a free PC program that has a lot of options built in. Kids can draw with different paintbrushes, use stamps, text, and other fun things. It also has a child mode for young children. I would like to teach young children so this program could help them be creative while learning how to use technology. I could make a fun project for them to do using this software.


Quiz Revolution

Quiz Revolution is a website teachers can use to create quizzes and tests. They are interactive and contain multimedia. You can even put them on Facebook, websites, etc. I would use this as a tool to create fun quizzes that my class could do as a whole. I could also use it for review questions before a test.


Zunal Webquest Maker

Zunal is a webquest maker. You can make one alone or you can work in a team to create one with other users. It also has tons of webquests made by other people with the age group and subject area. We learned in Educational Technology that webquests are a fun way to familiarize students with technology and can be used for an endless amount of things. With this website I could even have students create a webquest in a group.


Invention at Play

Invention at Play is a website full of games. It’s run by the Smithsonian, so most of the games are educational. They allow creativity and innovation to be brought out in children everywhere. I could use this tool to help the kids build their creativity. I could also use it to have them learn about inventors.



Shidonni allows you to create a pet. You can take care of it and play with it. I wasn’t able to gather too much information because my computer doesn’t have Microsoft Silverlight, but it seems like fun. I could create a project on what it would be like to take care of a pet for a week. Students could create their virtual pet and see what it’s like to have such a huge responsibility.



Chartle is where you can create charts and graphs for free. You can publish them and it’s an interactive tool. They have broken down the process and made it pretty simple. I could use this for tons of things in class: math activities, Venn diagrams to compare and contrast things, pie charts, etc. The possibilities are pretty much endless, and I could even have students create charts.


Class Tools

On Class Tools there is a timeline creator. You can create a basic timeline including dates, descriptions and images. Then you can print them or publish them. Students in my classroom could create timelines for various things. I could have them do a project on a historical event or they could create a timeline about themselves to share with their classmates.



Notezz is a note taking web 2.0 tool. Students can create an account and put notes in it. It’s free, simple, and doesn’t even ask for an email when you sign up. I could have students each set up their own account and use it for reminders. I could also suggest parents get an account to keep track of dates and events for their child.



Zooburst will let anyone create a 3d pop-up book. The tool is interactive online and simple to use. It was also voted the Best Website for Teaching and Learning in 2011 by the American Association of School Librarians. Here, I could have students create their own story and share it with friends or family. I could also create stories to share with the class this way.


Flashcard Stash

Flashcard Stash allows you to create virtual flash cards to study with. There are several categories to choose from, or you can create your own. You can also look up words in the dictionary and then save them to a flashcard. I could use these to help my students study words and definitions or multiplication tables. They could also sign in from home and study with them from there.

The Effects of Social Networking

Social Networking is a relatively new phenomenon. However, the industry is booming. Nearly every person I know now uses at least one of: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest or Myspace. Several people I know use two, three, four or more types of social networks. I, for one, have had/still have a Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Babycenter, and now Blogger. I keep up on my accounts regularly for the most part, even if it's just to lurk around and not actually say anything. But what are the effects that social networking has on us? Particularly our communication skills and our emotional well being.

The two articles I'm reviewing can be found at:

So let's start out with communication. Karan Chopra is the author of the article and he's a CEO of an internet media company. He points out several ways social media has effected our communication skills. First he points out that we're learning a new language. Twitter, for example, has a character limit. Chopra points out that this forces us to condense our thoughts, resulting in "textspeak." Most people have heard of "LOL" which normally symbolizes some sort of joking or laughter when typed. This is an example of textspeak.

Also, with social media we write for a larger audience. When we write in journals, it's possible that no one will read your writing. But when we are posting something on a social networking site anyone can read it. This changes the way we write. Most people wouldn't write their biggest secret on Facebook and a lot of people soften their opinions in order to avoid a heated argument.

Social networking also enables us to over-share, but be more concise. Additionally, public speakers are seeing less eyes when they present. Most people are still listening, but taking notes or updates throughout presentations. I know that I have a hard time putting down my phone when having a conversation with others. I still talk to them and listen, but I absentmindedly play on my phone as well. That also shows how easily distracted we are due to this new technology.

Social networking also has effects on our emotional well being. Thanks to the Internet we have the ability to be constantly in contact with people and connected to them. When we can't get an Internet connection many users suffer "disconnect anxiety," the negative feelings associated with a lack of Internet connection.

There's also the problem with our self esteem thanks to social media. As users, we see people in an unrealistic way. Online, people portray themselves as their perfect version of themselves. We see this "perfection" and it makes us think less of who we really are.

Personally, after considering all of these pros and cons of social networking, I believe it's a good thing. Overall, I really believe the benefits outweigh the hindrances. What do you think?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blogger App

I decided to try out the Blogger App for the iPhone. I have a hard time using my laptop because a certain someone *ehhem, Liydea* thinks it's a fun toy and messes with it whenever she can. My phone is small enough, however, that I can do work on it without her interference. This post is just to test it out and see how it works. 
Here's a picture of Liydea in a shoebox:
And here's a picture of her awake in the middle of the night last night:

Monday, October 21, 2013

College Mom Blogs

Hello! My name is Brandie and this is my first blog. I'm your not-so-average mom/college student/teenager. 

I have a 16 month old daughter named Liydea (pronounced the same as Lydia). She was born on June 7, 2012 at 6:25 PM in Akron, Ohio. She weighed 7lbs and 9.3 oz. When I got pregnant with Liydea I was a 17 year old senior in high school. I had her exactly one week after I walked across the stage at my high school graduation. Now she's a busy body who never lets me have a break, and boy do I love it! I'm also excited to announce that my loving husband and I will be expecting another bundle of joy May 12, 2014.

Then of course I have two furbabies: Blacky Xavier and Tiberius Percival Octavius Bartholomew. Tiberius is an extremely prissy and full of himself cat so I thought he could use a name to match!

When Liydea was a month old my husband and I moved out of my parents house and into our own...1000 miles away from the only place we've ever lived. We both grew up in Northeastern Ohio and made the big move to Arkansas to go to a college we both loved, Henderson State University. I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and am super excited about it! I have zero family members outside of Ohio and my husband only has his aunt, her husband, and their two kids (who all live down the road from us). I have an academic scholarship to maintain which demands I keep my grades up pretty high. A lot of students would have a hard time with that but I have a toddler, too!

Together we are surviving the demands of parenthood, a full time college schedule and he even has a part time job. You may have guessed how busy our lives are but we wouldn't want it any other way. We're happy with what we have and if you stick around awhile you'll get to see how great our busy life is!